Nebaj is a municipio located in the Western region of the Quiche Department of Guatemala. Nebaj is the largest of three towns in the region known as the Ixil triangle, which shares its name with the local Mayan language. The municipio of Nebaj has 106,237 inhabitants (INE 2002), with approximately 70% of the population living in rural aldeas, or hamlets, surrounding Nebaj. The remaining population – over 30,000 people – reside within the bustling town of Nebaj. Ixiles have been in contact with other Maya groups since the 11th century (Colby and vanden Berghe 1969: 40), but the town was more isolated from Guatemala City and Quetzaltenango until a paved road was constructed to Nebaj in 1942 (Stoll 1993: 11)
A sociolinguistic sketch of deaf individuals and families from Nebaj, Guatemala
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